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Autumn's Safe Space

Autumn Addison

When you can't share with those in your inner circle, you can share with the world discreetly.

I have created this blog to share my experiences in this industry while incorporating my mental health background and psychoanalyzing my situations. Of course my interpretation is just an opinion so I encourage others to share their own exposition. Additionally, if you'd like to submit your own stories, thoughts, feelings and responses to others' blogs (as well as my own), feel free to send me a detailed response via email to

There is no room for negative responses and hateful comments so emails that contain certain key terms will not be read, acknowledged or posted.

Who can post?

- Anyone who has seen a provider or who are curious, but nervous

-Anyone who struggles with any mental health related to their sexuality

-Anyone who has a story to share related to the industry or their own sexuality

-Anyone who has a specific fetish they wish to explore and any story behind it

-Other providers (I can include your ad, website, social media etc. to add to your article if you wish)

Why Share?

The purpose of this blog is to help reach audiences by creating a community in which thoughts and feelings are normalized. From my experience, many people struggle alone with regards to their sexuality and my goal is to inspire vulnerability while maintaining anonymity. From my experience, many review platforms are flooded by toxic masculinity and, if a person does show appreciation for sensuality or deviate from the traditional "masculine" norm, they are publicly shamed. My role is to filter out these trolls and provide a safe and positive atmosphere for people to discover who they truly are.

For providers, many share through their social media. I hope to provide a way my peers can share in more detail, vulnerably and with the choice anonymity.


Feel free to send me your article through your personal email or create a new email. You are not required to share your own personal details, only if you wish to. I respect your identity and would never jeopardize your discretion. All discerning features will always be filtered (and changed) to protect the identity of anyone who shares about suiters, clients or other people involved in the article. Any negative thoughts or shaming will be removed from any story shared about a suiter or provider as this does not add any value to the purpose of this blog.

Ideas of Topics to Cover

- Ask me (or other providers) questions and, for providers, answer any questions as thought-out and detailed as possible

-Why seek companionship? What do you personally enjoy?

-Your best (or worst) experiences with a provider.

-Cautionary tales

-The positive (and/or negative) impact that providers have had on you

-Providers: how did you get into this industry? What inspired it? Do you enjoy what you do? Why?

-What is important for suiters to know?

You can subscribe to my blog by clicking the button below. If you would like to donate to my blog, feel free to send me an e-transfer or email me to discuss other methods of payment. Your support is always appreciated. :)

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