Today I was having a conversation with a dear friend about the blog I wrote yesterday regarding whether the ability to tell the future through psychic mediums are “real”. We were also talking about how sometimes unexplainable things happen, which I’m sure some of my readers can relate to. Although I took a more scientific “logical” perspective in yesterday’s blog, I can’t deny that sometimes things happen that cannot be explained by logic (unless you want to attribute it to random chances of things occurring). Is there a spiritual component to this or can this also be explained by random chance?
Spiritual Connectivity In My Experience
Sometimes I will think of a person, in both my personal and professional life, and that person will reach out to me either that day or the day after. Is this some sort of spiritual connectivity? Maybe I thought of this person without even consciously realizing it and chances are they would have reached out anyways. Or I am thinking of them more often because I see this person regularly. But I cant exclude the possibility of the former.
I’ve also had personal struggles that I’ve dealt with and sometimes a client will come to me at work and start talking about something related to that topic without any prompting from me. How and why does this happen?
My friend and I were discussing how sometimes things work out so perfectly, almost unbelievably. They told me about a time they witnessed a car accident in front of them and dodged all the debris, unharmed. Are they just a good driver or shit lucky? Or was someone watching over them?
I read a case recently about a mother who was shot 5 times, once in the head, and survived. Then there’s people who have hit their head and died on the spot. I’ve known a friend’s parent who kept an active and healthy lifestyle and passed away at the gym but then there are people who live a long life and do not take care of themselves at all. Are things destined to happen to us and do we all have a timeline in terms of our own mortality?
I consider myself to be a fortunate person and I am grateful for where I am in my life. I have built a life that I want in my personal life, surrounded by amazing people who I choose to have in my circle, and professionally, finding joy in what I do surrounded and interacting with amazing clients of my choosing.
At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter whether the spiritual world exists. It’s about how we find meaning in how we are living our lives and whether our beliefs systems are harmful to ourselves and others around us. We have to carve out our own meaning in life and pursue things that bring us joy and satisfaction - without infringing on others’ rights of course. I find meaning in looking at all different perspectives and reflecting on what makes sense to me. I also do not discredit any belief systems because seeing everything in every light enriches my life with more colour and interesting thoughts and discussions with others. It also helps me not take things personally and prevents any triggers from my past to take control of me in my present life - or at least helps deal with triggers in the moment by reacting in a way that is socially acceptable. I find my life fulfilling and meaningful in everything that I do and I love to see the same for others. Celebrate every little victory and appreciate the small things in life.
