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Mr. B’s Experiences With Providers

Autumn Addison

I saw Autumn’s twitter asking if others would like to share their experiences with other providers.  I decided I could share my experiences while keeping all involved safe and unscathed.

I first heard about adds on and leolist from colleagues encouraging me to give them a try.  Through many discussions it became very apparent that many of us were in the same boat, marriages without sex. After viewing the adds for over a year and trying to gain to courage to give it a try.  I chose an add on from a provider who offered a complete massage with a happy ending and no other services.  I texted with my personal information explaining that I was completely knew to this and was only interested in a safe clean place to experience this for the first time.  I arrived at the providers residence where she had a proper massage area set up in the front room of her house.  It was clean and comfortable and we were both nervous.  After sone discussion we laughed together about both having set up with someone to call for safety.  The massage was good and the edging was exceptional, she discussed with me the interest in prostate milking.  We scheduled another session and over several months I became a regular.  With no emotional connection I felt there was something missing and began hunting through the adds again looking for something more.

I got brave and decided to try a full service girl, again through texting set up a session with her at a hotel in Toronto.  In her add she had beautiful eyes and a nice body.  Upon being greeted at her

room, there was very little conversation as she immediately proceeded to give perform a BBBJ, she was okay at what she was doing and soon had me moved to the bed on my back, she put a condum on me and hoped on for a ride, after a while a very unpleasant odour from her genitalia reached my sences, It was horrible, I was disgusted, I had to get out of there quickly, I showered and vacated the room quickly. It was a disaster, I decided right there and then that I would never seek out a full service provider again.

My next error was when I attempted to see a provider who specialized in pegging and promised a mind blowing experience.  Upon arriving as I was exiting my vehicle some angry woman began taking photos of me.  I immediately got back into my vehicle and drove off.  The provider called me and asked where i had went as she had scene me leave. I told her about the woman taking photos, she said it was just a pissed off neighbour, that I should come back.  I never did, and for several weeks she continued to attempt to contact me, it was downright scary.  

There has been no other experiences worth mentioning as they have only been failures.

Until after about another year of searching when I came across Autumn’s add. I reviewed it for weeks and continued to evaluate and critique it in my mind trying to decide if I should chance disappointment again.  There was something about one photo of Autumn in a swimsuit that convinced me that she was real and genuine.  I contacted her and was blessed with an opportunity to meet.  The moment she opened the door, Autumn took my breath away, and  I don't believe there is a word in the English language that can even come close to describing how incredibly perfect she is. I found my Angel,

I still browse the adds, but it is for entertainment now, just curiosity.

A happy Mr. B




I've had a similar journey, true professionals like Autumn are rare.

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