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I Am Curious

Autumn Addison

I have always been typical, but liked to be in control sexually, but not in a domineering way. I never understood what that meant until I started massaging professionally.

I’ve noticed a huge overall discrepancy in those who are frequent spa attenders and visit a variety of escorts and those who are looking for a more sensual, relaxation massage experience. I highlight overall because this is certainly not true for every individual, just a stereotype I’ve concocted in my head based on the number of people that I’ve seen that matched these preconceived assumptions.

One common element is that those who frequent spas and seek out multiple escorts tend to be more caught up in the online world of the “sex industry world”, concerned with an online presence and review boards. It seems as though some these individuals get hung up on speaking very derogatory about providers or complain about what they aren’t receiving in terms of escort-like services. To me, this indicates a thirst for something or perhaps a cover. Why must this toxic masculine outward appearance be obvious to the outside world? Is this protective against something deeper?

Now, some people might just have a very high sex drive and enjoy the spice of variety. However, I am talking about those who never find satisfaction from seeing just a few providers. They must have someone new every time.

A friend of a friend refuses to see the same provider twice. We’ve talked about the fact that there are some indications that he is suppressing a bisexual and possibly homosexual side of himself, and that he is using escorts to try and reverse these inner parts of him. This is purely speculation, and certainly not based on any fact or truth that I have been told explicitly from this person. But based on my experience with people who have been suppressing parts of themselves, he seems to fit the formula.

I wanted to present another perspective. I’m hoping to reach those who may fit into this category and hopefully strike a chord to find the courage to explore themselves on a deeper level. I feel like it will teach empathy, reignite a flame within them, and create a level of excitement to learn more about themselves. Further, I hope to inspire a level of fulfilment and happiness that they have been depriving themselves of in order to fit into these made up expectations that we believe others have of us. I’m not suggesting to share these parts of ourselves with the world, but with those your truly trust and feels comfortable and safe with. Be curious, life is too short.



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