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How Can a Self-Proclaimed Women’s Rights Ally Be Ok With Visiting a Sex Worker?: By Le Pensuer

Le Pensuer

With media influence, articles, and movie portrayals many of us believe there are three types of women involved in ‘the trade’.

First would be women subjected to hummable trafficking, brought to our country with the promise of a better life, only to have their passport confiscated and be subjugated physically and/or mentally into the sex trade. There is a perception this applies only to Asian women, but those who research and police this activity suggest it is women of every race and from every country that can be subjected to this kind of treatment.

Another generalization is women with addictions who have no other way of paying for their needs. Sometimes hooked by a pimp, living in the streets to escape abusive relationships, or hooked on painkillers through an innocent prescription after surgery or other medical procedures.

The last is maybe more a man’s fantasy, the student paying for her education and not wishing to be buried in dept upon graduation.

Who would argue that many of these women would be disadvantaged in the power relationship between a provider and a customer. Taking advantage of power differences based on gender is pretty much the definition of abuse or at least sexist.

I suggest however there is another type of woman involved in the trade. That is an entrepreneur or a smart businesswoman. The providers that I visit have a full understanding of the economics of the trade, and are earning very good salaries and have investments to look after them after they have left the business. Many also have plans for an alternate career once they have had enough of this one.

Who am I as an ally to suggest to a woman what she should do with her body, who she should spend her time with, and what moral code she should follow? In relationships with these professional women power is shared equally as the benefits of the interaction is equal. The provider makes financial gains toward their chosen future and the customer gets the kind of interaction they are willing to pay for. It’s win win.

Not only do I feel morally justified in these relationships, I feel the interaction between two equals is also much more stimulating and satisfying.

Le Pensuer



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