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Eye Opening: My Response to Robin Curious' Post

Autumn Addison

A few weeks ago, I tried sounding for my first time with Robin. I must admit, it was a intimidating thought and I certainly wasn't feeling ready but, also, I probably wouldn't ever be ready if I didn't take a leap.

Robin and I have been discussing sounding for at least the past year. He purchased a kit but we hadn't looked at it since we first received it in the mail. The thought of placing a metal rod down his urethra gave me the shivers, but he was ready to dedicate himself fully to the experience.

After some research and careful considerations, which I will discuss in a later article, we decided that that day was the day in which we would experiment. We had some medical grade lubricant available for sanitary purposes. The sounding kit had many different sized metal rods to choose from. I felt that the smallest might be best to start but Robin was concerned that they would be too small and there was a fear of possibly puncturing something internally or getting stuck. We choose the next two sizes up but I decided to use the smaller one for the first time.

Boiling the metal rods for 10 minutes was the best way to eliminate the possibility of any harmful bacteria entering his urethra. After boiling the rods and allowing them to cool, I washed and sanitized my hands thoroughly. We set up my camera to record this whole experience, which I will post in the near future with directions on how to access the video.

Robin laid down and I used a lube injector to inject lubricant into his anus. Once he was lubricated internally and externally, I place a larger sized butt plug in his anus to push up against his prostate. Once the butt plug was in place and, after thoroughly cleansing of my hands and the surrounding environment, I proceeded to cover the sounding tool with the medical grade lubricant as well as the tip of his penis. I used my fingernail to gently simulate the urethra opening, which many people have shared is an electrically stimulating experience. Nothing that I ever do is used with force.

I placed the tip of the sounding tool at his urethra opening and allowed it to slowly enter inside. Gravity is supposed to take a hold of how quickly the urethra allows for the tool to enter, but I was nervous to let go of control as this was both of our first times. Pre-ejaculation will maintain lubrication of the tool so there will be no friction.

The tool dropped surprisingly quicker and easier than I anticipated but I still kept hold over the end of the rod. I was looking at Robin's face the entire time to read for any cues of feeling pain or uncomfortable, and periodically asked him if he was doing okay. He kept telling me to allow it to drop quicker than I was comfortable allowing.

Once the rod reached the end, I noticed an overwhelming facial expression of pleasure flushing over Robin's face. He kept saying, "this feels different" and, "this feels so good". Typically, Robin requires more stimulation for stroking in order to reach orgasm. However, in this situation, I was stroking his penis slowly without much effort and noticed that as he became closer to climax, his prostate was pushing the rod further out.

At his final peak, I noticed that he experienced an indescribable level of pleasure that I hadn't witnessed with him before. He was hooked and we ended up having a second experience, that he reported was more intense, which I will write about later.

Do you have any thoughts to share or any questions about my experience? Please feel free to email me anytime at



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